Quitting Smoking for Good With Low-Level Laser Therapy

  • April 29, 2021 at 6:54pm
  • by John Piche
The Lymphatic System: In Laymen’s Terms

Quitting Smoking for Good With Low-Level Laser Therapy

There are many different methods that people approach trying to quit smoking. ‘Going cold turkey’ or nicotine replacements aren't always effective options. Low-level therapy uses the body's natural systems to fix the chemical dependency caused by consuming nicotine. With these systems back in order, the physiological cravings to smoke will be subdued. However, there are often still strong mental urges to start smoking again, as a smoking addiction is a combination of physiological reliance and psychological habit. Implementing a strategy to minimize and combat these urges will increase your chances of success.

What Does Laser Therapy Do?

Low-level laser therapy isn't a miracle cure for how to quit smoking. It takes advantage of the mechanics of nicotine addiction to give smokers their best possible chance to beat the habit. When a smoker consumes nicotine, their body is flooded with endorphins that regulate mood. The rush quickly fades as nicotine leaves your system, leaving a physical craving for more. Without properly regulated endorphins, smokers feel agitated and anxious until they get their next rush. Smoking laser treatment uses lasers to stimulate the body to produce endorphins. The procedure sets the body's natural systems back on track, eliminating the craving from the dramatic crash after the endorphin rush caused by nicotine. This eliminates the most severe symptoms, but there are still psychological factors in play. Smokers might miss the feeling of smoking, feel restless and unsure of what to do, or face pressure to smoke in social situations with other smokers. Approaching these hurdles with a plan is the best way to get through them.

How Does Omega Laser Handle These Issues?

At Omega Laser, we're committed to the success of our patients. As such, we provide two additional backup treatments within 1 year. We advise all patients on how to address their triggers to smoking. Long-time smokers develop a certain attachment to smoking over the years, beyond the simple physical chemistry. Being a smoker forms a part of their identity and starts to represent a substantial part of their self-image. Smokers often struggle to fill the gap they perceive smoking to have filled. They feel they have nothing to do and struggle to find ways to pass the time.

The Psychological View of Addiction

After smoking cessation therapy, the mindset of the patient is critical to ensuring success. Patients should carefully and deliberately think through how they understand their relationship with smoking. Even those who go through with treatment might do so without truly believing they should quit. If the patient feels that they aren't really here to stop smoking, they need to confront those thoughts head-on before they eventually lead to a relapse. Smokers often fail to consider the extent to which their problem is drug addiction. Because smoking does not have immediate overdose concerns or substantial inebriation, users often don't think of nicotine as a drug. But the vast majority of smokers smoke because they are physiologically addicted to the drug nicotine. They should keep this fact in mind if they begin to rationalize why they should be able to have another cigarette. Being aware of the relationship you have with this substance will help to ease the transition.

Additional Exercise Reduces Cravings

Endorphins serve a legitimate purpose in the regulation of moods. The system works well without the stimulation of sources like nicotine. One of the natural sources of endorphins in a healthy lifestyle is regular exercise. Many people choose to increase their exercise while quitting smoking regardless of what therapy or method they are using. Withdrawal symptoms are greatly reduced during and after exercise. Many people who quit smoking report weight gain as a side effect, replacing the habit of smoking with the habit of eating. Transitioning to a more active lifestyle can combat this side effect while also improving the heart and lung health of long-time smokers, who are likely to have reduced capacity in that area. Physical activity is a great way to mitigate the stress, with making any major change in your life, and provides a way to pass the time for smokers who are worried about slipping back into the habit.

These Foods Can Help You Fight Cravings

Nicotine affects your body's chemistry, and nicotine cravings are in turn affected by that chemistry. Maintaining proper nutrition can lead to great success after laser quit smoking therapy. One of the most commonly suggested beverages for smokers trying to quit is milk. It might sound silly, but the reason is simply that a glass of milk doesn't pair well with the taste of cigarettes. Hearty fruits and vegetables provide significant levels of vitamins, but smoking can hinder the absorption of these nutrients, meaning smokers typically aren’t getting enough. Eating more of these foods can remedy nutritional deficiencies that make smokers feel awful. With more energy and a higher mood, you’re more likely to be successful quitting smoking.

Avoid These Foods

Avoiding certain foods can also improve the odds of quitting for good. The best way to quit smoking is to avoid any additional temptations. After laser therapy for smoking, alcohol should also be avoided for two to three weeks.. People often say that they only smoke when they drink, and drinking is a sure-fire way to weaken resolve and slip back into the habit. For many people, weight gain is one of their most significant fears while quitting smoking. While it's true that maintaining a healthy diet is important, implementing a weight loss diet while quitting smoking isn't an effective strategy. Consuming only low-calorie foods can leave people agitated and hungry. Bad moods increase the chance of relapsing, so it’s best to stick with a simple and nutritional diet while going through the early phases of quitting smoking.

Watch Out For Situations Where You Typically Smoke

Making your laser smoking therapy stick could be as easy as keeping away from the places you typically smoke. If you have friends who smoke, it might be worth avoiding them for a while. Being in a social atmosphere where cigarettes are present could be enough to send you back over the edge. If you have a designated area or areas where you smoke, stay away from them for a while. If you have a specific seat, don't sit there. If you go out to the yard or driveway, stay inside. Cut down your temptations by getting rid of not only your cigarettes but any ashtrays or lighters as well. Removing the means to smoke and making any relapse attempt more inconvenient could be all you need.

Get Started Today

Omega Laser smoking cessation therapy is a quick and convenient way to eliminate nicotine cravings. If you've worked out your plan to quit smoking, you can take the first step in that plan and contact us today to set up your appointment. If you aren't entirely sure about how you're going to fight the mental cravings after laser therapy has removed the physical cravings, our technicians can provide you with advice and a nutritional guide to make your journey as painless as possible.


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John Piche